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Huellas news


The beneficiaries of Huellas que Trascienden are marginalized women from Tseltal and Tsotsil from the indigenous communities of the Highlands of Chiapas region.

50% of them don’t have any education or only primary education, 50% can’t read or speak Spanish, 85% don’t have any savings and earn an average of 6 MXN pesos per hour.

On a national level, Chiapas is in last place of average income (INEGI, 2016 Survey). In 2015, 50.28% of the Chiapas’ population lived in the rural area (CEIEG) and 29.34% spoke a native indigenous tounge (INEGI).

These barriers make it very hard to access loans or undertake business projects to make a living.

These barriers make it very hard to access loans or undertake business projects to make a living.

We promote fair sales so the profit of the products are administered in an efficient way, helping them to be able to manage their own savings.

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